Movement Source celebrates finishing an AMAZING 2021-22 Season!

Movement Source celebrates finishing an AMAZING 2021-22 Season!

This year we had performances at Tempe Center for the Arts/Arizona Dance Festival, Winter Solstice with Zuzi in Tucson, We created Arizona's First Trolley Dances in Scottsdale, Presented in the Tempe Dance Film Festival, and a collaboration between Mary Anne Fernandez Herding and visual artist Abbey Messmer created an opportunity for the company to perform at Art Detour in downtown Phoenix - an incredible Gala performance event! We were also thrilled to do a performance for First Friday at the Herberger Theater in the Outdoor Atrium, and we wound things up with a moving Season Finale at Changing Hands Bookstore/Newton/Phoenix! Drew Bollman collaborated with us several times this year with inspiring live music! We loved doing a pop-up performance at the Phoenix Art Museum in May (where these incredible photos below were taken by their talented photographer!) It is one of our favorite places to dance! We had residencies at Hirsch School and several other awesome places in our community, taught by Nikki Turner, our dynamic outreach teacher! We also had our guiDANCE mentorship program with ASU Gammage/Bill T. Jones experience - moving forward this season! continues to grow as part of our online dance education and outreach as well!

A HUGE Thank You to ALL who showed up and supported us in various wonderful ways this season and shared our joy and love for movement! Much Gratitude from our Movement Source Dance Company Family to you all!

We are looking forward to the next season - hello season 2022-23 ...will be here before you know it! Exciting things to come!